The Theater of J. K. Tyl

The Theater of J. K. Tyl

The Empire Theater, one of the oldest burghers' theaters in Bohemia, is located in Trebon on Masaryk Square

In Trebon, Masaryk Square is definitely worth visiting the Empire Theater, one of the oldest burghers' theaters in Bohemia. It was built in 1832, but the contemporary interior of the theater dates back to 1872 and today is the jewel of theatrical architecture. The construction of this unique theater was the logical outcome of the rich theater tradition in Trebon. The theater was inaugurated in 1833 in the premises of the former brewery brewery. The newly built theater was once introduced by the puppeteer Matěj Kopecký. Also, the famous Czech singer Ema Destinnova, also said Antonín Dvořák. The theater is named after JK K. Tyl and his theatrical nomadic company in Třeboň (1852, 1856). In the auditorium there is a wooden gilded chandelier from Buquoy glassworks in Novohradsk region. Part of the theater is a rich painting of the ceiling and the wall above the stage by the painter F. Skála, who in 1872 also created the painting with the allegorical scene of the arrival of Apollo with the goddesses Thalia and Melpomene and with the company to the city. This curtain is one of the oldest theater curtains in Bohemia. There are not only theater performances in the building, but also concerts and other events. Part of the house is also Puppet Theater. The Tourist Information Center of the town of Trebon organizes regular commentary on historical and modern theater, technical background, stage and backstage on Monday at 13.30. Visitors will learn a lot about the history and the present-day theater in Trebon, they will look into the area of ​​ordinary visitors and will be able to see the oldest functional curtain in the country.